Privacy Notice.

The Lighthouse Privacy notice explains how Lighthouse collects and uses your personal data.

1 – Who processes your data ?

The controller of the personal data processed is Lighthouse BV, Krekelstraat 95,2660 Antwerp, Belgium. This means that Lighthouse is responsible for deciding how we will keep and manage the personal data collected while using our Website.

Lighthouse has appointed a Person responsible for overseeing the correct application of the applicable Data protection regulation. In case needed, this person can be reached:

  1. By email at: or
  2. By post to: Lighthouse     BV, Krekelstraat 95, 2660 Antwerp, Belgium.

2 – Why do we process your data ?

In case you provide us personal data, we use such data to be able to reply your request and provide you with the information you asked us for. This is linked to general questions you ask through our website.

When we processes personal data internally at the level of individuals working for financial institutions or at the level of professionals working within the sector, we do this to be able to offer our service in the market we are active in and to realise the objectives of our company.

When you send us your CV, we will process the personal data to assess whether your candidature matches with our culture and the current opportunities we have available.

3 - When do we process your data ?

We process your personal data while you use the website (the “Website”). However, we capture only personal data when you leave such data on our website in the contact form which we made available on several pages. In parallel, we process personal data when you reach out to us by phone or email or when we meet in person and exchange contact details. We process this data based upon your consent.

Lighthouse keeps a list of key staff working in financial institutions we worked for and with whom we might work in the future, and in parallel maintains a list of compliance, risk management and governance professionals with whom it has worked in the past or with who it might work in the future. We process your data based upon our legitimate interest to do so.

Finally, when individuals proactively send us their CV, we will process the personal data contained in the CV. We process your data based upon our legitimate interest to do so.

By using or navigating the Lighthouse Website, you acknowledge that you have read, you understand, and you agree to be bound by this Privacy Notice. While only browsing through the Website, we do not process any personal data. In case you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Notice, you should not leave any personal data on the contact forms on our website.

We encourage you to review and check the Website for any updates to this Privacy Notice. We might publish updated versions of the current Privacy Notice on the Website.  By continuing to deal with us, you accept changes to this Privacy Notice as they apply from time to time.

We also process personal data in the context of the execution of our assignments, but such processing is governed by a dedicated data processing agreement.

4 – What personal data do we process ?

As Compliance professionals, we are very sensible about treating personal data. As a result we try to minimise as much as possible the processing of your personal data.

Therefore, when we treat personal data, we limit this to data such as name, email, telephone number, function, employer or company, and the content of the message you send us. In case you send us your CV we also treat data such as address, date of birth, educational background, your work history and any other information you share with us and can be considered as personal data.

5 – Who has access to your personal data ?

Primarily the people working for Lighthouse, being it as consultant, employee, freelancer, have access to your data.

We try to minimize the extent to which the data is shared with third parties. We inform you however that your personal data is stored on an IT environment which is managed by a third party. However this party is contractually not allowed to access the Lighthouse data.

In exceptional cases we might be asked to share personal data with third parties such as competent supervisory authorities or potential future shareholders of Lighthouse.

We do not share or transfer your data outside the European Economic Area.

6 – How do we protect your personal data ?

Lighthouse takes the necessary technical and organisational measures, so to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, change, access or any unlawful processing by a third party.

7 – For how long do we keep your personal data ?

In the context of a question or request we maintain your personal data until we have treated your request and for 24 months thereafter.

In the context of a proactive application, we maintain your personal data for a period of 6 months.

In the context of record keeping personal data for commercial purposes, we maintain your personal data for a period of 5 years.

8 – Our engagement

We are committed to complying with applicable data protection laws and will ensure that personal data is:

  1. Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way;
  2. Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes;
  3. Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes;
  4. Accurate and kept up to date;
  5. Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about;
  6. Kept securely

9 – How can you exercise your rights ?

We suggest you to get in contact with us through You can access, change, delete or limit the processing of your personal data upon first request.

In case you are of the opinion that we have not treated fairly your request, you can introduce file a complaint with the competent authority through or Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel.

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